Fruits Juice Properties * Apple : muscular and nerves tonic, diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-gout, intestinal antiseptic, blood cleansing. At large quantities ease constipation. Is also added to other juices for flavor. Apricot : full of vitamins and minerals. Help reduce physical and intellectual fatigue, anemia and convalescences. Barberry: strong sedative. Recommended against diarrhea (cholera), fever, anemia and also hangovers. It is efficient in curing malaria and the lung infections. Decreases the blood pressure and is a uterine stimulant. Add water for milder acidic taste. Bilberry: particularly indicated in the treatment of the intestinal infections: enteritis, colitis, diarrhea, dysentery, putrefaction, coli bacillus. It is an effective uric acid dissolvent. Improves night sight. Black Current: anti-rheumatic, anti-arthritic, anti-gout. Stimulates liver functions. Cherry: energizer remineralizing and regenerating. Recommended in arteriosclerosis, gout, and arthritis, blood cleansing and anti-rheumatic. Anti-aging by its purifying and detoxifying properties. Cranberry: appetizing and blood cleansing. It acts on blood circulation, hepatic functions, digestive and urinary system, easing rheumatism and gout. Mixed with water is an excellent drink for feverish conditions. Grape: called “Vegetable Milk”. High in calories it is stimulant and re-mineralizing, a strong detoxifier recommended in arthritic, rheumatic, gout and excess blood urea, hypertension, enteritis, and hepatic congestion conditions. A few days of daily use of 1000-1200g of the grape juice eases overwork or obese discomfort. This cure could be extended to 2-3 weeks with average daily drinking dose of 1200-1400g, in serious cases. Grapefruit: aperitif and strong hepatic stimulant. Improves blood fluidity and protects veins. Lime/Lemon: highly aromatic and refreshing. Its daily use is recommended for blood cleansing. Is found to possess antibiotic, anti-carcinogenic and detoxifying properties. May be used alone or mixed with other juices. Mandarin or Tangerine: tonic and sedative. Contains bromine. Makes pleasant changes to other juices. Melon: refreshing and alkalizing. Friend of hepatics, detoxifying. Contains minerals: iron, phosphorous and calcium, also vitamins A and C. Mulberry: laxative. A refreshing drink used alone or mixed with water to help rheumatic, gout, dermatitis and fever conditions. Mixed with cranberry juice and some water, it is very refreshing and is recommended in all urinal inflammations. Orange: popular refreshing and tonic drink. It also improves blood fluidity and vascular strength. For a greater effect, blend in pieces of the skin with the pulp. Peach: mild diuretic and laxative, also brings great help to dyspeptics. Pear: blood cleansing, diuretic and uric acid eliminator. It is astringent and is used to cure diarrhea. It also re-mineralizes the body and is indicated in conditions such as: anemia, fatigue, tuberculosis. Pineapple: contains vitamins, microelements and minerals and a strong digestive ferment. The fruit juice is recommended in inflammatory conditions and has diuretic and detoxifying properties. Plum: nerves stimulant, energetic, diuretic, laxative and detoxifier. Recommended use in rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, general weakness conditions. Pomegranate: a tonic for the heart. Healthful counterbalance to a diet high in sweet-fatty components. Contains tannins, potassium, vitamin C and B5. Helpful in coronary artery, diabetes and cancer, and against intestinal infection and parasites. Raspberries: rich in antioxidants. Brings taste and color in a mixed juice drink and may accompany any juice, i.e. apple, orange… Strawberry: mineralizing. Is anti-rheumatic and anti-gout through eliminating uric acid from the body. Stimulating hepatic functions, regulating nerve system and is used for arteriosclerosis. Watermelon: diuretic and refreshing. Rich in lycopen, carotenoid which is known to protect against prostatitis. Contains vitamin C. Vegetables Juice Properties *Artichoke: strong hepatic action and diuretic. Is not frequently used, may be added by a small quantity to another juice for in case of excess blood urea or cholesterol. Coriander (depurative, diuretic), Chicory (depurative, hepatic and renal stimulant and aperitif), Tarragon (antiseptic for whole body, digestive system) and Persil (depurative, stimulant and blood circulation agent) will be used with the same manner.
Beet: energetic. Red beet is recommended for anemia and weakness conditions such as de-mineralized, nervous discomfort, gout and tuberculosis. The juice has pigments and cause red urine in some people. Carrot: fights anemia, gastric or duodenal ulcer, colitis, enteritis, and diarrhea or constipation, hepatic intoxication, dermatitis are among health concerns treated by daily drink of carrot juice. Iron, calcium and magnesium generally used in the blood and tissue constitution and multiple vitamins and especially pro-vitamin A and pectin content explain the many properties of the juice. Good for all ages; from new born to the aging. It is best to flavor carrot juice with a mixture of tomato, celery, parsley or with lemon. Celery: blood cleansing, tonic for nerves, anti-rheumatic and gout. Antiseptic. Used alone or mixed with carrot, lemon, etc. Cress: blood cleansing, pulmonary antiseptic, mineralizing and strong anti-scorbutic. Contains sulfurous essential oil, minerals and vitamins and has anti-cancer and diabetes properties. It is and also indicated in dermatitis and scalp diseases. A cress treatment is a detoxification and beauty cure. Cucumber: blood cleansing. Mixed with carrot, apple, grape, celery. It is very much used as anti-wrinkle on the skin. Dandelion: blood cleansing. Helps ease excess cholesterol and prostatitis. Used mixed with other juices. Fennel : diuretic, anti-rheumatic, vermifuge, anti stomach gas and lactogenic properties. It is mixed with other juices. Leek: diuretic and acid uric eliminator. Recommended for rheumatic, gout and arteriosclerosis. Used mixed with other juices (carrot, celery). Lettuce: rich in minerals and vitamins. Anti-spasmodic and sedative. Helps nervous, insomniac and spasmodic conditions. It is used in varied mixtures. Onion: mixed with other juices in small quantity. Helpful for diabetes, rheumatism and prostatic conditions. Potato: of great value in gastro-duodenal ulcer and diabetes. Its taste is improved by mixing with carrot or lemon. A mixture of potato, carrot and celery is revitalizing. Rhubarb: hepatic stimulant, blood cleansing and anti-anemic. Is mixed with other juices. Spinach: helps blood regeneration. It contains chlorophyll and iron and is used in anemia and convalescence, physical and mental weariness conditions in children and aging person. Is used in mixtures. Spinach-carrot, spinach-carrot-celery, spinach-cress in equal parts are recommended. Tomato: contains beta carotene and antioxidants. Used frequently for its mineralizing effects for fatigue, arteriosclerosis, and ageing. Turnip: diuretic and refreshing, revitalizing. Helps in demineralization, pulmonary and gall bladder ducts function.. It is used mixed with carrot juice [1-3]. References: * English adaptation by Nasrin Yavari from the two following books: 1- Dr. Jean VALNET (1920-1995) Traitement des Maladies par les Légumes, les Fruits et les Céréales Chapitre VII, Maloine S.A. Editeurs, Edition 1985. 2- Carl Fauser, Jus de Fruits , de légumes et de simples ; Editions Victor Attinger, Neuchâtel-Suisse Further Reading :égumes-fruits-simples-thérapeuthiques-appliquations/dp/B004BMFU7Q /ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1317670159&sr=8-9 Comments are closed.
July 2020